Brand New Holiday Update!? Sleigh, What?!

Oh, the weather outside may be frightful, but in Walkabout Mini Golf, it’s anything but!

After all, we’ve maxed out our holiday cheer with this brand new update, decking our digital halls with a festive jingle, holiday avatars, and more. So, let’s break the ice and show you what’s in store!

Sleigh bells are ringing on Welcome Island with a brand new holiday jingle, composed by Coconut composer Chris Reyman! Use it as a backdrop when gathering with family and friends throughout the festive season, or use for content creation, dressed in one of our brand-new holiday avatars.

From dolls to dinosaur skulls, 2023 has been THE year for avatars, but we’re not done yet! Fright and delight your loved ones with our horned Krampus avatar, and serenade that special someone with our mistletoe on a stick. Our New Years glasses too, make the perfect accessory as you count down to 2024 with friends near and far. So what are you waiting for? Jump into Walkabout and see why these new avatars are TRULY love at frost sight.

You reported, and we listened! Alongside this wintry wonderland of updates, comes a fix for Meow Wolf’s Hole 18. For the few who kindly reported this issue to us, thank you, and be sure to portal jump once again into our latest DLC, to see your Hole 18 score soar.

So from all of us here at Walkabout Mini Golf, happy holidays! And do share the festive cheer with others on X, Instagram, Facebook, and Discord.

Till 2024,
The Mighty Coconut elves

Sarah Balman