Walkabout player guide to Meow Wolf
Releases December 7!
For our third licensed course, Mighty Coconut has partnered with Meow Wolf—the perspective-shifting arts and entertainment company that inspires audiences to explore creative possibilities and storytelling through their exhibitions.
Walkabout Mini Golf: Meow Wolf is a true collaboration between studios, with hands-on creation by Meow Wolf co-founder and senior creative director Caity Kennedy alongside the Mighty Coconut team. The course will be based on a central world in the Meow Wolf Denver location called Numina— a sentient universe attempting to communicate in the peculiar language of mini golf.
The course will be a vivid, quizzical, and beautiful course for players where they can escape, explore, and play solo or rendezvous with up to seven other players for 18 easy mode and 18 hard mode holes—complete with iconic Meow Wolf objects, settings, and surprises.
We came, we converged, we created. Peek behind the curtains of consciousness with our brand new Meow Wolf behind-the-scenes video.